DuxxBak® Composite Decking
- Corte*Clean is an earth-friendly cleaning product that is used to fight tough stains in addition to helping to eliminate any unwanted mold and mildew that may appear on the surface of your deck.
- Any mild household cleaner can be used to remove stains.
- Using a power washer yearly will help remove any surface stains that may accumulate over time from regular deck usage.
- A wire brush may be used to remove scratches and tough stains. Using a wire brush may change the appearance of the deck product where the wire brush was used.
- DuxxBak Dekk: Visit the Fastener Chart on p. 15 and additional information on p. 5 of the DuxxBak Dekk Installation Guide.
- Optima Dekk & Optima Dekk LT: Visit the information and Fastener Chart on pgs. 6 & 8 of the Optima Dekk Installation Guide.
- I.Dekk & I.Dekk HD: Visit the information on pg. 10 of the I.Dekk Installation Guide.
- Proper gapping must be provided throughout the deck installation. A gap of 1/8″ should be provided where the deck board meets a wall and a 3/16″ gap should be provided where the deck board meets a post or other object.
- A 1/32″ gap should be provided between T&G boards.
- A 3/16″ gap should be provided between S4S boards.
- It is safe to use ice removal products such as sodium chloride and calcium chloride on DuxxBakDecking products. When the ice melts after using salt, there may be a white residue that remains on the deck. This residue can be removed with a light cleaning or naturally with a rain shower.
- Do not use a metal shovel on DuxxBak Decking products. Instead, use a plastic shovel to remove any snow to prevent potential damage to the product.
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